File - Commands relating to scripts
and workspaces
New - Opens a new, blank script document
Open - Presents a dialog to open an existing script document
Save - Saves the currently selected script document
Save As... - Presents a dialog to save the selected script document
under a new name
Save All - Saves all open script documents
Close - Closes the currently selected script document
Close All - Closes all open script documents
New Workspace - Clears the current workspace and opens a new one
Open Workspace - Presents a dialog to opens an existing workspace
Save Workspace - Saves the currently open workspace
Save Workspace As... - Presents a dialog to save the current workspace
under a new name
Print - Presents a dialog to print the currently selected script
Exit - Closes PTD
Edit - Commands for changing script
Undo - Undoes the last action performed in the script editor
Redo - Redoes the last undone action performed in the script editor
Copy - Copies the selected text in the script editor to a buffer
Cut - Removes the selected text in the script editor and places
it in a buffer
Paste - Pastes the contents of the buffer from the last copy or
cut at the caret position in the current script
Find & Replace - Presents a dialog to search and replace in
the current script
Options - Presents a dialog to set the PTD Options
Suite - Commands relating to suites
and testcases
New - Creates a new suite
Open... - Presents a dialog to open an existing suite
Save - Saves the currently open suite
Save As... - Presents a dialog to save the currently open suite
under a new name
Edit - Edits the script file of the currently selected testcase,
if a testcase is selected
Run - Runs the currently selected testcase or suite
Copy - Copies the currently selected testcase or suite (with all
children) to a buffer
Cut - Removes the currently selected testcase or suite (with all
children) and places it in a buffer
Paste In - Places the contents of the suite buffer as a child
of the selected suite
Paste Before - Places the contents of the suite buffer before
the selected suite or testcase
Paste After - Places the contents of the suite buffer after
the selected suite or testcase
Delete - Deletes the currently selected testcase or suite
Insert Suite - Adds a new suite as a child of the currently
selected suite
Insert Testcase - Adds a new testcase as a child of the currently
selected suite
Declarations - Commands relating to the window
declarations editor
Open - Presents a dialog to open an existing declarations file
in the Window Declarations Viewer
Close - Closes the currently selected declarations file
Save - Saves the currently selected declarations file
Save As... - Presents a dialog to save the currently selected
declarations file under a new name
Save All - Saves all open declarations files
Insert Child - Creates an empty window and inserts
it as a child of the currently selected window
Insert Before - Creates an empty window and inserts it before
the currently selected window
Insert After - Creates an empty window and inserts it after
the currently selected window
Copy - Copies the currently selected window and
all child windows and places it in a buffer
Paste In - Places the windows in the declarations buffer as
a child of the selected window
Paste Before - Places the windows in the declarations buffer
before the selected window
Paste After - Places the windows in the declarations buffer
after the selected window
Delete - Deletes the selected window and all children
Record - Opens the window declarations recorder utility
Run - Commands to run scripts,
suites, and consoles
Script - Runs the script currently selected in the script
Suite - Runs the currently selected suite or testcase
Console - Opens a new console in the output area
Stop - Stops the currently running local script, testcase, or suite
Remote - Presents a dialog used to run suites and testcases on a
remote machine
Debug - Commands relating to the debugger
Start - Starts the debugger on the script currently selected
in the script editor
Stop - Stops the debugger
Continue - Continues debug execution until the next breakpoint
Step Over - Steps over the function at the current debug line
Step Into - Instructs the debugger to enter the function at the
current debug line
Step Out - Instructs the debugger to execute the remainder of the
current function and stop when the function exits
Toggle Breakpoint - Toggles the breakpoint state of the line where
the caret is in the currently selected script
Record - Commands to record scripts and declarations
Script - Opens the script recorder utility
Declarations - Opens the window declarations recorder utility
Output - Commands relating to script, suite, testcase,
and console output
Close - Closes the selected output pane
Close All - Closes all output panes. Does not close consoles or
the Debugger
Collapse All - Collapses all elements of the currently selected
output screen
Expand All - Expands all elements of the currently selected output
Print - Presents a dialog to print the contents of the currently
selected output screen
Export As...
Text - Presents a dialog to save the contents of the
currently selected output screen in text format
HTML - Presents a dialog to save the contents of the currently
selected output screen in HTML format
PTD Help - Displays the PTD help files
Phantom Help - Displays the Phantom documentation
About PTD - Displays a dialog with information about PTD