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The Script Editor

A Phantom script can be created with any ASCII text editor. However, the PTD script editor provides some useful features to aid in script development and debugging.

The script editor performs several features useful to editing and creating scripts. It employs a keyword colorizer, highlighting variable types, keywords, comments and strings as colored words. There is also a line number indicator on the left side of the editor. Errors and warnings from Phantom display both the file name and the line number, making the line number indicator a useful tool for resolving errors and warnings.

The script editor integrates with the Window Declarations Editor by supporting a drag-and-drop capability. Window declarations and window declarations files can be inserted into a script simply by clicking the declarations and dragging them into the script. The necessary information is inserted in place.

The edit menu also provides features for copying, pasting and searching the text of the script. For more information.

The line number indicator is used for debugger breakpoint and current line indicators. For more information, see the Debugger.

Opening a Script
The script editor opens with an empty untitled script when PTD starts. Additional scripts can be opened in the editor by selecting ‘File’ then ‘Open’ from the main menu. New scripts can be created by selecting ‘File’ then ‘New’ from the main menu. New scripts will open as a blank document labeled ‘Untitled’. All scripts will appear as a new script editor tab in the user interface.

A script can also be opened from the Suite view. Right-click on a testcase and select ‘Edit’ from the popup menu. The script associated with the testcase will open in a new script tab.

If a workspace is opened either manually or automatically when PTD starts, all scripts open the last time the workspace was used will automatically be opened.

Editing a Script
Scripts can be edited directly in the script editor. This is similar to any ASCII text editor. Support for copying, cutting, pasting, and searching is supplied through the edit menu. Note that changes to the script do not become active until the script is saved. If a script is edited, an asterisk (*) appears next to the name in the script tab, indicating the contents of the window have changed. This will cause a save prompt to appear if PTD is closed or the script is closed.

Saving a Script
Changes to a script can be saved by using the ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ menu items from the main menu. Scripts are saved as standard ASCII text. Changes are not active until the script is saved.

Closing a Script
To close a script, click on the ‘x’ next to the script name in the script tab. Additionally, a script can be closed by selecting 'File' then 'Close' from the main menu. All scripts can be closed by selecting 'File' then 'Close All' from the main menu.

Printing a Script
A script can be sent to the printer by selecting ‘File’ then ‘Print’ from the main menu. The script to be printed must be selected and contain the keyboard cursor. The script and line numbers will be sent to the selected printer.

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