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A testcase is a single script or action performed by PTD to execute a desired test or perform a desired function. This action is often the execution of a Phantom script, but can also be any external application. Testcases are the basic building blocks of entire test procedures performed by PTD.

Testcases are organized by grouping them into Suites. All testcases and suites are listed in the suite tree window with testcases marked by a icon and suites marked by a icon. Using this structure, entire sets of testcases can be run consecutively by running their parent suite. See Suites for more information.

Creating a Testcase

To create a new testcase, begin by selecting the parent suite where the testcase will reside. Right-clicking the suite will open a pop-up menu. Select Insert and then Testcase from the pop-up menu. Alternatively, selecting Suite then Insert and then Testcase from the main menu will also work.

Once a new testcase is created, it will automatically be inserted into the suite with the name ‘New Testcase’. The suite properties panel will also be populated with information about the new testcase.

Setting Testcase Properties

The testcase properties panel is used to define all information related to the testcase. The ‘Name’ field indicates what the testcase will be called and how it will be displayed in the Suite view and in output.

The ‘File’ field is used to set the file parameter. F If ‘Use Phantom’ is checked (default) then this file is a Phantom script. If it is not checked, this file will be passed to the executable set in the ‘Executable’ field. This field must contain the full path to the file.

The ‘Executable’ field is used to set the full path to the executable file if the Phantom engine is not used for the testcase. This field is only available if ‘Use Phantom’ is not selected.

The ‘Arguments’ field can be used to pass arguments to either a Phantom script or to the application defined in the 'Executable' field. Arguments for Phantom scripts are simply a single Phantom script line that will be executed at the beginning of the testcase. Any variables created and functions loaded will be available to the testcase script.

The ‘Use Phantom’ checkbox is set by default to indicate that the ‘File’ field contains a Phantom script. If Phantom is not to be used for this testcase, this box can be cleared and a different executable set in the ‘Executable’ field.

The preprocess and postprocess scripts can be entered in the ‘Preprocess’ and ‘Postprocess’ fields, respectively.

Applying Changes
The ‘Apply’ button will apply the changes immediately. Alternatively, selecting another testcase or suite will automatically apply any changes made. To avoid making changes, click the ‘Reset’ button to reset all fields to the original values. Changes do not become permanent until the suite is saved.

A short text description of the testcase can be entered in the ‘Testcase Description’ field. This is only for information purposes and is not used during testcase execution.

Running a Testcase
A single testcase can be run directly from the suite viewer. Right-click the testcase and select ‘Run’ from the popup menu. This will run the single testcase, with the output displayed in the output window. Alternatively, a single testcase can be run by selecting ‘Suite’ and then ‘Run’ from the main menu.

To run a group of testcases together, see Suites for more information. Note that to debug a testcase, the underlying script must be opened in the script editor and a debug session initiated. Debugging only works for testcases that run Phantom scripts.

Remote Running
See the section on Remote Execution for information on how to run a script on a remote machine.

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