PTD Documentation

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The PTD Interface

The PTD interface is broken into three primary areas. These areas are the script manager area, the script editor area, and the output area.

The script manager area consists of:

1. Suite Viewer - Used to organize and execute groups of scripts as suites or testcases
2. Declarations Viewer and Editor - Used to view and edit Window Declarations
3. Function Viewer - Displays a list of built-in Phantom functions

The script editor (4) consists of any number of tabs with open scripts. The script editor works with the Declarations Viewer and Function Viewer to support drag-and-drop functionality. This allows functions and declarations to be added to a script by simply clicking the item and dragging it to the script.

The output area can have several different types of windows:

5. The Console - Used for real-time Phantom commanding
6. Remote Execution Manager - Used to manage remotely executed scripts
7. Script or Suite Output - Displays output from a script or suite (9) run
8. The Debugger - Used for debugging scripts

Note that only the Console appears when PTD is first opened. The rest may appear depending what actions are performed in PTD (for example, debugging a script will open the debugger, and running a script will open an output window).

Additionally, many menu selections (10) are available to access the functionality of PTD. For a list of menus, see the Menus section.

An image of the main PTD interface with the major components labeled is below.

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