Spirals Sample

This sample illustrates the usage of some common Phantom language functions and procedures. The script opens the PhantomTarget application and draws a series of spirals in the drawing dialog. At the end, it captures and saves a bitmap of the drawing area. Some of the Phantom features used are:

- Mouse Functions
- Math Functions
- User Functions
- Loops
- Window Size Functions

To use this sample, simply copy and paste it into a new script and save it where the PhantomTarget application is located.

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# Spirals.psc
# This is a sample script that draws spirals in the
# PhantomTarget application.  It is intended as a fun
# example of what Phantom can do.

# The function to draw the spiral
# x_ctr is the x center of the spiral (pixel)
# y_ctr is the y center of the spiral (pixel)
void DrawSpiral(real x_ctr, real y_ctr){
  # Click at the outer-edge of the spiral.  The fourth parameter is
  # '1', so the button is pressed, but not released.
  Drawing.Static9.MouseClick(0, int(r+x_ctr), int(y_ctr), 1);

  real R = r;                # Copy the global spiral radius to a local value
  real T = 0.0;              # This is the angle of spiral rotation
  real x;                    # A holder for the current x-position of the pen
  real y;                    # A holder for the current y-position of the pen

  # While the radius is > 10 pixels, loop the spiral
  while(R > 10){
    R = R - dr;              # Decrease the spiral radius by the global dr
    x = R*cos(T);            # Compute the x position of the pen
    y = R*sin(T);            # Compute the y position of the pen
    T = T + dtheta;          # Increment the spiral angle
    x = x + x_ctr + 0.5;     # Add the spiral center x-coordinate + 0.5 for rounding
    y = y + y_ctr + 0.5;     # Add the spiral center y-coordinate + 0.5 for rounding
    # Move the mouse to the new point in the spiral.  Since the mouse
    # button is 'held' down, this will draw a line to the new point.
    Drawing.Static9.MouseMove(int(x), int(y));
  # The spiral drawing is finished, so release the mouse button
  Drawing.Static9.MouseClick(0, int(x), int(y), 2);

# This function sets the pen color for drawing
void SetPen(int R, int G, int B, int S){
  # Edit1 is the red (R) pen color
  # Edit2 is the green (G) pen color
  # Edit3 is the blue (B) pen color
  # Edit7 is the pen pixel width
  # Apply the new values

######## The Main Script #############################

# Include Phantom Target Declarations

# Start Phantom Target

# Open the drawing window

# Declare globals
# Compute the spiral radius as ~1/2 the drawing window height
real r = Drawing.Static9.GetWindowHeight()/2 - 5;
# Set the delta radius for each spiral step
real dr = 0.2;
# Compute the default center-x position as 1/2 the drawing window width
real XX = Drawing.Static9.GetWindowWidth()/2;
# Compute the default center-y position as 1/2 the drawing window height
real YY = Drawing.Static9.GetWindowHeight()/2;
# Set the angle between spiral steps to 5 degrees
real dtheta = 5.0*3.14159/180.0;
# Set the default pen size (2 pixels)
int PenSize = 2;

# Reduce the automatic delay for fast drawing

# Draw the spirals
SetPen(255, 0, 0, PenSize);    # Set the pen to red
DrawSpiral(XX + 90, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the right of center
SetPen(255, 0, 255, PenSize);  # Set the pen to magenta
DrawSpiral(XX - 90, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the left of center

SetPen(0, 255, 0, PenSize);    # Set the pen to green
DrawSpiral(XX + 60, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the right of center
SetPen(0, 255, 255, PenSize);  # Set the pen to cyan
DrawSpiral(XX - 60, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the left of center

SetPen(0, 0, 255, PenSize);    # Set the pen to blue
DrawSpiral(XX + 30, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the right of center
SetPen(255, 255, 0, PenSize);  # Set the pen to yellow
DrawSpiral(XX - 30, YY);       # Draw a spiral to the left of center

SetPen(0, 0, 0, PenSize);      # Set the pen to black
DrawSpiral(XX, YY);            # Draw a spiral at the center

# Capture and save the drawing as a bitmap
bitmap b = Drawing.Static9.CaptureBitmap();

# Un-comment this to close PhantomTarget

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