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Phantom supports several different variable types. These include variables that hold simple data (such as integers, booleans, and character strings) as well as more complex variables that hold different types of data and associated functions specialized to the variable (bitmap, window, etc.). The latter type is called a class, with an instance of the class called an object .

disp("Hello World");
string s = substring("hello", 2, 3);

All variables must be declared prior to use. A variable is declaration consists of two parts: the variable type followed by the variable name. The type tells the interpreter what kind of data is being created. The name is what that variable referred to as in other sections of the code. An optional third part is the assignment of the variable. This gives the data in the variable an initial value. Not all variable types can be assigned an initial value.

To see what variables are available and what their values are, see the who function. To determine if a variable has been declared yet, see the exists function.

Complex variables can contain one or more sub or 'member' variables and have one or more member functions. Member variables and functions are considered a part of the complex variable. To access a member function or variable, use the variable name, followed by a period (.) followed by the name of the member variable or function. Parameters to member functions are provided like ordinary member functions. Accessing a member variable can be used to either retrieve or set its value. To see what member variables and functions a variable type contains, use the 'members' function.

Example Code

window w;

# Access a member variable
w.Class = "Afx:*";
w.Tag = "Phantom Target";

# Access member functions
w.MoveWin(10, 10);

The following table shows general variable types available in Phantom as part of the 'Standard' package.

Type Description Supported Operators
Holds signed integer decimal values. Range:
–2147483648 - 2147483647
>=,<=,>,<,!=,!, &,|,&&,||,%
Holds signed floating point values (double precision). Range:
+/–1.7E308, 15 digits of precision
Holds a boolean value.
Range: true or false
Holds a single or multi-character string. +,=,==,>=,<=,

Holds a handle of an open file so read and write operations can be performed.


A data type that holds nothing. Used with functions to indicate no return type is expected. N/A

Additionally, the following variable types are available as part of the Phantom package.

Type Description Supported Operators
Contains information about a window, including class and tag information. Also supplies member functions for working with windows. =,!,&&,||
Holds bits of data that represent an image. Each pixel is represented by 3 bytes. One byte for the red color, one byte for the green color, and one byte for the blue color (RGB). =,==,>=,<=,>,
Contains information about an error or warning that was produced by Phantom. Usually used in a try-catch statement. Can also be used to produce user-defined exceptions. =
This is a class used to track a set of settings or options. It is similar to a hash table in that it contains a set of keys and corresponding values. N/A

Holds information about a registry key. Can be used to set and retrieve registry keys.


For more information on the operators, see the Operators section.

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