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bool exists(string)

Return Type: bool
Parameters: string VarName

This function checks to see if a variable exists. The variable name is passed as a string to the function. If the variable exists, the function returns true. If it does not exist, the function returns false. The variable exists if it is local to the function or a global variable.

Example Code
int i = 10;
exception e;

function void F(int a){
  real r = 32.2;

  if(exists("i") == false){
    e.SetError("Variable i does not exist (1)");
  if(exists("a") == false){
    e.SetError("Variable a does not exist (2)");
  if(exists("r") == false){
    e.SetError("Variable r does not exist (3)");


  e.SetError("Variable a exists (1)");


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