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Using Window Declarations

In order for a script to recognize and interact with a window, often it is best to use a Window Declarations file. This file contains information about the window and can be created using the The Window Declarations Recorder.

The 'use' keyword is required to include the Window Declarations in the script.  'use', followed by the full path and file name (unless the interpreter, script, and declaration file are in the same directory - then only the file name is required), and then a semi-colon (;), includes a window declaration file for use. Note that the file name must be placed in double quotes (").

When the interpreter reads a 'use' statement, it opens the file in the quotes and parses the information into a window variable.  That window and all child windows can then be used in the script.

Example Code

use "Notepad.dec";

# These windows are defined in
# the 'Notepad.dec' file


Note that if multiple child windows have the same name, they can be accessed through an array index. For example, if three child windows have the name 'Sample', they can be accessed through the names 'Sample[0]', 'Sample[1]', and 'Sample[2]'. See Arrays for more information about array indexing, and see the Button function page for an example of accessing multiple child windows with the same name.

See Also: Window Declarations, Syntax, use

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