PTD Documentation

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The ptdoutput variable type is provided by PTD for interaction between Phantom scripts and the PTD application. It is used to control certain aspects of PTD during preprocessor and postprocessor operations. As such, it is only available during pre- and post- processor runs.

When a processor is run, a ptdoutput variable is automatically created and inserted in the script. The variable is called PTDOutput. It does not need to be declared manually inside the script since it is inserted automatically at the beginning of the script.

The PTDOutput variable represents the output for the current testcase or suite the processor is associated with. It can be used to access properties of the output, such as output text or error and warning counts. Other PTD outputs can be accessed as well (child outputs and parent outputs if the suite or testcase has children or a parent, respectively).

There are several member functions associates with the ptdoutput variable type. They are listed below:

Member Functions



ptdoutput ptdoutput.getChild(int)

Return Type: ptdoutput
Parameters: int index

This function retrieves the child output indicated by 'index'. The input ('index') is a zero based number identifying a child output to this output. A child output is an output created by a suite or testcase that is a child to the suite represented by this output. The first child is represented by a 0, the second by a 1, and so on. The function returns a ptdoutput variable that can be used to access the output of the child.

Example Code
int i = PTDOutput.getChildCount();

ptdoutput Child;
if(i > 0){
  Child = PTDOutput.getChild(1);


int ptdoutput.getChildCount()

Return Type: int
Parameters: none

This function returns the number of child outputs belonging to this output. An output is a child output if it is the output of a suite or testcase that is a child to the suite represented by this output. Only suites can have child items, therefore only a suite output can have child outputs. This function returns the count of only direct children, not any children of the children.

Example Code
int i = PTDOutput.getChildCount();


int ptdoutput.getErrorCount()

Return Type: int
Parameters: none

This function returns the total number of errors that occurred in this output. If this output has child outputs, this is the sum of all error counts of the child outputs.

Example Code
int i = PTDOutput.getErrorCount();


string ptdoutput.getName()

Return Type: string
Parameters: none

This function returns a string with the name of the current output. The name corresponds to the name of the suite or testcase the output is associated with.

Example Code
string s = PTDOutput.getName();


string ptdoutput.getOutput()

Return Type: string
Parameters: none

This function returns a string containing the output from the suite or testcase. For a suite, this includes the output of all child suites or testcases. If this is used in a preprocessor, no output has occurred yet so this function will return an empty string. This returned string does not contain the output for any pre- and post-processors associated with any child suites or testcases.

Example Code
string s = PTDOutput.getOutput();


ptdoutput ptdoutput.getParent()

Return Type: ptdoutput
Parameters: none

This function will return the parent output of this output. A parent output exists if this output belongs to a child suite or testcase that was run along with its parent suite. If no parent output exists an error is produced. To determine if the output has a parent, use the hasParent function.

Example Code
ptdoutput parent;
  parent = PTDOutput.getParent();
  disp("Parent retrieved");


string ptdoutput.getRemoteMachine()

Return Type: string
Parameters: none

This function returns a string representing the name of the remote machine the current suite or testcase is being run on. This name corresponds to the name used in the Remote Execution dialog. If the suite or testcase is being run on the local machine, this function returns an empty string.

Example Code
string s = PTDOutput.getRemoteMachine();
disp("Running on " + s);


int ptdoutput.getWarningCount()

Return Type: int
Parameters: none

This function returns the total number of warnings that occurred in this output. If this output has child outputs, this is the sum of all warning counts of the child outputs.

Example Code
int i = PTDOutput.getWarningCount();


void ptdoutput.haltExecution()

Return Type: void
Parameters: none

This function can be used to stop the execution of PTD. This will halt execution of the processor, the testcase, and the suite. If the suite is run on a remote machine, this will halt execution only for that machine. If this is used in a preprocessor, the script associated with the testcase will not be run.

Example Code
disp("Wont get here");


bool ptdoutput.hasParent()

Return Type: bool
Parameters: none

Description: .
This function returns true if the output has a parent output, false otherwise. See the getParent function for more information and an example.


bool ptdoutput.saveAsHTML(string)

Return Type: bool
Parameters: string FileName


This function saves the current output and all child outputs to a HTML file indicated by the parameter (FileName). The function returns true if the save succeeded, false otherwise. If a relative path is given, the file will be saved relative to the current PTD directory, not the testcase directory.

Example Code


bool ptdoutput.saveAsText(string)

Return Type: bool
Parameters: string FileName

This function saves the current output and all child outputs to the ASCII text file indicated by the parameter (FileName). This function returns true if the save succeeded, false otherwise. If a relative path is given, the file will be saved relative to the current PTD directory, not the testcase directory.

Example Code

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