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window.MoveWin(iX, iY);

Applicable Classes: MainWin

int iX - The new x-axis position, in pixels, of Window, relative to the upper left hand corner of the screen.  The value increases from left to right.
int iY - The new y-axis position, in pixels, of Window, relative to the upper left hand corner of the screen.  The value increases top to bottom.
Return Value: None

MoveWin moves the window relative to the upper left hand corner of the screen (0,0).  The function places the upper left hand corner of the window (0,0 in local window coordinates) at the position indicated by iX,iY.  iX and iY can be negative values.

Example Code

# Include Phantom Target Declarations
use "PhantomTarget.dec";

int W = PhantomTarget.GetWindowWidth();
int H = PhantomTarget.GetWindowHeight();
int X = PhantomTarget.GetWindowX();
int Y = PhantomTarget.GetWindowY();

disp("Width: " + string(W));
disp("Height: " + string(H));
disp("X: " + string(X));
disp("Y: " + string(Y));

PhantomTarget.MoveWin(X + 100, Y + 100);
PhantomTarget.ResizeWin(W/2, H/2);

# Exit out

See Also: MainWin Functions

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