void bitmap.SetPixels(int,int,int,int,int)
Return Type: void
int X - The x location of the pixel (Single value or 2X1 array)
int Y - The y location of the pixel (Single value or 2X1 array)
int R - The new R (red) color for the pixels
int G - The new G (green) color for the pixels
int B - The new B (blue) color for the pixels
This function sets the color of the pixel located at X,Y to the color
R,G,B. If X and Y are 2 elemet arrays, they represent a rectangle of
pixels with:
X[0], Y[0] = the lower left corner
X[1], Y[1] = the upper right corner
Each R,G,B value is between 0 (no color) and 255 (full color), inclusive.
X and Y are zero based pixel locations, with 0,0 representing the lower
left corner of the bitmap.
For an example, see the bitmap variable