bool bitmap.Find(int,int,bitmap)
Return Type: bool
int X - X pixel location to start search (modified)
int Y - Y pixel location to start search (modified)
bitmap B - The bitmap to search for
This function looks for an occurence of the parameter bitmap B in the
bitmap contained by this variable. The function will do a pixel by pixel
comparison, and if bitmap B is found, the function will return true.
The function will return false otherwise.
The X and Y are zero-based pixel indices indicating where in the bitmap
searching should begin. If the bitmap B is found, these values are updated
with the location of the lower-left corner of B's location. Therefore,
the value of X and Y are modified by this function. As such,
the parameters to this function must be variables, and not constants.
If the bitmap is not found, the X and Y parameters are not modified.
X and Y are zero based pixel locations, with 0,0 representing the lower
left corner of the bitmap.
Code |
bitmap b;
a.Find(0,0,b); # --> Not OK
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
a.Find(i, j, b); # --> OK
disp(i); # New value
disp(j); # New value |
For an example, see the bitmap variable