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MouseClick(int iButton, int ix, int iy, int iType);

int iButton - The mouse button to click - see Description
int ix - The x-coordinate location to click (relative to the top left of the screen)
int iy - The y-coordinate location to click (relative to the top left of the screen)
int iType - The type of mouse click to perform - see Description
Return Value: None

This function simulates a mouse click. It differs from the window version of MouseClick in that it is not relative to a window, but relative to the screen. See the window MouseClick for a description of the parameters.

Example Code

# Move the mouse to coordinates
# 100, 100 relative to the screen.
MouseMove(100, 100);

# Click the mouse at 200,200
# relative to the screen.
MouseClick(0, 200, 200, 0);

See Also: MouseMove

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