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The Phantom Script Recorder

Phantom includes a Script Recorder application (Recorder.exe). The Script Recorder records to a script user actions such as mouse clicks and keyboard input. The output is an ASCII text script recognized by the Phantom Interpreter.

The Script Recorder records window information using Generic Window Declarations.
It will record mouse clicks with respect to the upper left hand corner of the lowest level window where the click occurred. The mouse click is recorded as a MouseClick function and keyboard input is recorded as a TypeKeys function.

To record a script, click the 'Start' button. Script recordings will appear in the edit field in the recorder. To stop recording, click the 'Stop' button. The output can be retrieved by selecting it with the mouse and copying it (Ctrl+c) and then pasting it in an ASCII text file.

The Script Recorder has several settings that can be modified. They are accessible by clicking the 'Settings' button in the main window. The settings are saved to RecorderOptions.dat in the same directory where the Recorder.exe is located. The options are as follows:

Hide Recorder While Recording - This setting causes the Recorder to disappear when recording starts. To show the window, double-click the recorder icon in the system tray (next to the computer time) or right-click the recorder icon and select 'Show Recorder'.
Truncate Window Tags beginning with Afx: - This truncates windows with class names 'Afx:...' to 'Afx:*'. Windows with classes beginning with 'Afx:' commonly have class names that are dynamic. Therefore, the next instance of the window will have a different class name. Using this option inserts a wildcard after the Afx so Phantom will look for any window with the Tag and a class that begins with Afx. See The Window Declarations Recorder for more information.
To stop recording, press... - This option sets a key combination used to detect that recording is finished. When the key combination is pressed, recording stops. The checkbox must be selected to activate this option.
Insert 'Sleep' when idle... - If this option is enabled, the Recorder will insert a Sleep statement if no action occurs within the specified time period. The Sleep is inserted when the next command is recorded, and will have a parameter of the elapsed time since the last command was recorded.
Default Delay... - When the Recorder begins recording a script, a SetDelay command is generated. This determines the default value of the SetDelay.

See Also: Generic Windows, The Window Declarations Recorder

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